EMIS reveals transaction data over the multi-network in 2017


The multi-network of certainty is one of the systems that Angolans and not only use to carry out their banking transactions. Having been registered, at 2017, more than 500 thousand transactions per minute, an increase of 84 thousand transactions compared to 2016.

According to the annual report of Empresa Interbancária de Serviços, SA (EMIS), 2017 recorded more than 270 millions of commercial transactions in the Multicaixa network throughout the national territory during the economic year of XNUMX.

According to the company's report for the last financial year, more than 4 million Angolans used Multicaixa during the month of December last year, which translated into an increase of transactions in the order of 17% compared to the year of 2016.

According to data in the latest report by Marktest Angola (a company specialized in market studies for the financial sector), 86% of bank customers use the multi-bank card, which is directly associated with the increase in the banknation rate in Angola according to the BNA Angola's banking rate doubled in the last two years, standing at 2016 in 63%, when 2014 was 30%.

If we consider only citizens with more than 20 years the level of banking increases substantially, in the order of 72,4%, partly due to the diversity of services now available in the ATM e TPA. Security, simplicity, efficiency and speed of transactions are said to be the basis of the considerable increase in the number of payments through the Multicaixa.

Have you been a frequent user of multicaixa?


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