Italian company develops mannequin that spies on customers ...


spy mannequins

In the era of Information Technologies, nobody else is alone, we can think so, but in practice there is always an “eye” to control us.

This premise became much clearer when the Italian company “Almax”, developed the model called “EyeSee“. What would the dummy do? The common, serve as a "support" for the clothes displayed in a store. Taking advantage of that fact, “Almax” decided to add some extras to the mannequin.

Now, the dummies will have a camera that will serve to monitor the race, age and sex of customers using facial recognition software. The information recorded by the "dolls" is then used to implement more effective marketing strategies by the stores of the interested companies.

But the legality of the use of these devices has been questioned a lot by the agencies that defend the privacy of users. It seems that we have the real “Big Brother” theory to be implemented, started on the streets, to monitor the transit, passed through homes and businesses, to the financial security of its occupants and now we have spy dummies.

Fortunately or unfortunately, in Angola we do not yet have advanced surveillance systems, maybe for some time we will see the importance of these systems, meanwhile, we will have the same basic problems of financial security. If the change happens, please do not invest in spy mannequins. Consumers are grateful ...

[Via]: Telegraph  || Photograph: Getty Images


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