Expert recommends companies invest in technological solutions to prevent cyber attacks


Investment in technological solutions is the only way for Angolan companies to prevent cyber attacks in order to protect business, according to network and cyber security engineer Carlos Chincunda.

The specialist who was speaking in a lecture on the theme “Surviving cyberattacks, an urgent decision”, on the sidelines of the last edition of Luanda International Fair (FILDA), reported that the cost for small and medium-sized domestic companies to restore a service against a cyber DDos attack costs an average of $120.

"In recent times alone, more than 5000 cyber attacks on Angolan companies have been detected”, said Carlos Chicunda, reiterating that Angola is the second country in Africa where companies suffer most from cyberattacks representing 20 percent, for whom these institutions experience interruptions in their services every day.

"Computer attacks negatively tarnish the reputation of companies, customers are unable to carry out transactions, partners have difficulties sending messages, in addition to damaged infrastructure”, identified.

BUT: Uíge Technological Center creates applications to fight cyber attacks

O Shields2Africa, computer system against cyber attacks in the country and which has the capacity to prevent future cyber attacks, to the point of making it the second with the highest index in Africa and the fourth in the world, is in the Engineer's opinion a solution that works as a shield , with automatisms capable of detecting, reporting and mitigating cyber attacks on a global scale in real time, with support for artificial intelligence (AI) as close as possible to the origin of the attack.

Therefore, for Carlos Chicunda, Shields2Africa is a sample that Angola Cables is working on the digital revolution not only in Angola but across the entire African continent.

The specialist also pointed out that the Angolan market has attracted people in bad faith and competitors who intend to tarnish the image and Angolan telecommunications, underlining that “cyberattacks will increase and there is no remedy but prevention and keeping business steady".

For Carlos Chicunda, DDO attacks are increasingly frequent, complex and destructive to user and provider infrastructures.


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