Experts urgently defend the regulation of telework in the country


Several national experts in labor management and technicians from the Ministry of Public Administration, Labour, Employment and Social Security (MAPTESS) defended last week, in the country's capital, the urgent creation of a teleworking regulation in Angola, in order to adapt to the current challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

This thinking initiative came in the cycle of debates held at the Sapiens Institute, in partnership with the International Labor Organization (ILO), whose motto was “Telework, challenges and perspectives”, with the aim of finding better solutions regarding its regulation.

According to the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sapiens Institute, Gilberto Luther, the regulation will allow the employer and the employee to comply with the rules of telework, taking into account the hours that are much more flexible, taking as an example the behavior that the worker must have when in this condition, especially avoiding going to bars, restaurants or walking down the street without being well-presented, during working hours.

BUT: Webinar: The teleworking experience in Angola

"The telework that we are discussing today is different from what we have seen. This model allows the creation of more specific means for the worker to actually carry out his work, in a place where the employer can have control of him, through technology.”, said the PCA.

Gilberto Luther also added that there should also be a division of costs between the worker and the employer, in terms of payment for electricity, as well as the cost of technological means and their maintenance.

The manager also urged that the costs of maintaining the worker in this way are lower than in person, because they do not require expenses with transport, food, allowing, still, to be closer to the family.

Finally, Gilberto Luther emphasized that telework is here to stay, but it will not reduce the traditional way of working, being only a socioeconomic adaptation, which allows the discovery of new activities, where he also pointed out the advantages of this style of work, such as the reduction of fixed expenses, due to new technologies.

This model, he stressed, allows workers to be disciplined, being seen as a solution for the current moment of the pandemic that the country is experiencing.

The event "Telework, challenges and perspectives” featured as speakers the director of the Legal Office of the Ministry of Public Administration, Labour, Employment and Social Security (MAPTESS), David Kinjika, the manager of Social Protection Programs of the International Labor Organization in Angola (ILO), Denise Monteiro, the general director of the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP), Manuel Mbangui, and the second secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX), Alberto Guimarães, and was moderated by the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sapiens Institute, Gilberto Luther.


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