Google Glass manufacture costs less than 80 USD



Google recently decided sell for one day its gadget for augmented reality, Google Glass, also known as Google smart glasses.

The price was not very friendly, an investment of 1500 USD in glasses, however clever they are, is not what is expected. But still, many enthusiasts bought the glasses from Google and the balance of the company was positive.

However the company specializing in hardware,, did what he knows best and dismantled Google Glass. To everyone's surprise, the assembly components of Google Glass cost less than 80 USD!

Yes, Google charges 1500 USD for a device whose hardware costs 79,78 USD. Of course comes the part of being an innovation, plus the time lost to develop the right software, integration with Google services… in short. But honestly, 1500 USD ?!

Google has already announced that the final version will be cheaper, it remains to be seen how far they are willing to go.

[Via]: T3


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