Facebook presents the drone that will take the internet to remote areas




O Facebook announced on its blog the construction of an unmanned aerial vehicle (Drone) named Aquila that can fly at a height of up to 27,5 kilometers, with the aim of bringing the internet to the most remote areas of the planet.
The gigantic drone runs on solar energy and has the ability to handle 90 days in the air.

The initiative came Internet. org which aims to facilitate access to the internet in developing countries. Facebook has partnered with mobile operators from more than 17 countries in order to simplify the process of joining the internet and its services.

According to the statement:

Since we launched internet.org our mission has been to find ways to facilitate connectivity to more than 4.000 millions of people who are not online

To achieve this goal the company is working on drones, lasers, satellites and terrestrial technology.
It has also been advanced that its researchers have discovered a way to use lasers to achieve data rates ten times higher than current industry standards.

It remains to be seen which areas are selected to send the Drones ...


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