Facebook begins to hide the number of likes


O Facebook is officially starting to hide the likes count on posts made on family, friends, business and even live streamed videos. And it started on Friday (27 October) in Australia.

This means that even though your followers can't see how many likes or reactions a publication of yours gathered in Facebook, as the owner of your page and author of your own publications, you will still be able to access this information.

We are conducting a limited test where likes, reactions, and video views counts will be private on Facebook. We'll gather feedback to understand if this change will improve people's experience, said a Facebook spokesman.

According to Facebook, the goal is to make the environment more comfortable for people to express themselves by focusing on the quality of their publications and not "hunt-like" content.

Remember that the Facebook performed this same test in the Instagramwhich took place in Canada at first but was eventually expanded to other markets such as Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Japan and New ZelâIndia. It now remains to be seen whether Internet will be so receptive to this change in Facebook as happened in Instagram.


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