Facebook starts testing button to hide comments


Facebook started testing a new feature that could be the “do not like“, Expected by many users of the site. The functionality, called there “Downvote”.

For now, there is the button with the "sad" form that assimilates to a non-enjoy in the publication. However, Facebook is already running tests with the button not to enjoy in the United States, according to a publication in the Twitter by the journalist Taylor Lorenz, the novelty would be restricted to comments and the option would be located on the "respond" side.

The number of negative votes a post receives is not displayed, but it can serve to the social network to remove the content of the air if you bring something that goes against Facebook's guidelines.

The Facebook spokesman who confirmed the tests ensured that the tool it is not a “dislike” button. "We're not making a dislike button. We're exploring a feature so people can give us feedback on comments on public pages".

It is currently under trial and few people have access, but it has not been clear whether it will work only in comments or in regular publications.


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