Facebook will finally end with the Games and Apps invitations



A lot of us are already tired of the invitations to be part of some game, or application in which a friend or relative makes use and we are sent the invitation from Facebook, many are already tired complaining and even ask for them to stop to send such invitations that so far does not happen.

But it seems that Facebook is already solving the issue. In a Q & A session held on 28's October 2015 in India, Mark Zuckerberg said that Social Network engineers are working on a solution.

According to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, “There was still no work to end the invitations because there were other priorities. But if it is something that bothers Users, we will prioritize it. So this is what we are currently doing ”, he explained, revealing that this is one of the most voted questions for him to answer when he goes to a session like this. He also stressed that "He sent a message to the person responsible for the development of the platform and said that it is better that this problem be resolved quickly".

The official date for the termination of these invitations has not yet been announced, but will soon come into force, and it is believed that this will increase the satisfaction of Facebook users.


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