Facebook uses 2G internet to test employees' patience



In order to show employees how the internet works in emerging countries and what their users Facebook decided to launch an internal program called “2G Tuesday”.

Every Tuesday, your employee will undergo a test of patience, literally, as they will need to use an 2G internet. The small test does not last all day, however, on Tuesday when the employee tries to access the social network, you have to wait at least two minutes until the page loads completely.

Facebook's engineering director, Tom Alison, told Business Insider:

During that time, their experience on Facebook will be very similar to that of thousands of people around the world on an 2G connection.

The engineer believes that employees will have a greater understanding of what is used the internet in different parts of the world and will also be reported problems or improvements will appear that your team has not foreseen.

The average speed on a 2G connection varies between 100 to 300 kbit / s, so now Facebook employees already know how we “suffer” in Africa…


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