Facebook will help users to book romantic dates


O Facebook is testing a new feature that aims to suggest that you find yourself in the real world with your social networking contacts, with a focus on romantic dating.

Facebook knows that you have many virtual friends and you also know that your Messenger is used to mark many encounters. Thus, it is prepared to introduce a functionality similar to that of the tinder in its application of messages, so that its users are more often together, in what is called "real life".

When you access your Facebook profile, you will see some profiles that social network thinks are right for you. Your mission will be to check if you are interested in meeting any of the suggestions made.

For now it is unknown if this suggestion of friends comes only to those who have the status 'single' but Facebook has clarified that no suggestions are made only for romantic interests.

This functionality, for which there is no name yet, already appears to be available among some users of the Canada, where it has already been confirmed by a Facebook spokesman.


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