Failure in ENDE's prepaid system causes floods in service agencies in Luanda


A computer failure in the prepaid system of the National Energy Distribution Company (ENDE) is creating large floods at the company's branches in Luanda, as customers are unable to pay their electricity bills through the Automatic Payment Terminals (ATM), commonly known as multicaixa, as well as through the internet.

According to what the editors of MenosFios found, this constraint has already lasted for three days, which is causing great embarrassment to users and causing large floods in service agencies in the country's capital, and where until now the public electricity company has not yet pronounced.

Several citizens contacted by the Angolan weekly New Journal, informed that the computer failure in the prepaid system started last Sunday (03), being more evident on that Monday.

"we came to charge the energy at the headquarters because there is a system failure at the branches and at the ATMs“, revealed a citizen to the newspaper, stressing that prepaid customers who want to charge electricity could not, which led many to file complaints with the central management of the public company.

In the same vein of this inconvenience, several ENDE employees admitted to the weekly magazine the existence of faults in the system and they do not understand why the management does not issue a communiqué, where the news reports that this failure in the system is not limited only to Luanda, but to rest of the country.


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