FIFA bets on technology for world football in Brazil


Technology line of goal

Technology appears to make life easier for all other sectors. One of the sectors that has excelled with excellence, is the sports sector. Both for the measurement of the athletes' physical levels or for the decision of moves using the “replay” (widely used in North American Basketball League - NBA), or in systems to define when the ball has crossed the line (a critical case of field tennis).

Only football seems to want to be left behind when it comes to technology. Well, that's a thing of the past, as FIFA's top governing body, FIFA, has decided to implement the goal-scoring system by electronic means.

The system has already been tested in some championships, including the 2012 world club championship, but so far it has not been implemented in FIFA impact tests.

But how does this decision technology work?

The system was developed by the German company, GoalControl which uses 14 cameras, seven for each goal, which are mounted on the stadium ceiling to capture the ball's three-dimensional position with high precision. When the entire ball passes the goal line, a vibration and optical signal is sent to a watch worn by the referee in less than a second, indicating that the goal has been validated.

It is hoped that the technology will help bring more transparency to a sport that has been criticized for less positive referee decisions.

Do you think this is enough?

[Via]: Fox Sports


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