Final Fantasy XIII, the film (subtitled in Portuguese) - Remembering is living…




For a few years now, games have stopped focusing only on the action of completing missions and have become a means of telling stories. Whether it is attacking Mount Olympus itself or following the clues left behind by a deserted Jedi, the stories that accompany our games are often worthy of Oscars. They are not exactly the 7th art, but the image quality and history of the last few years are often as if they were several films together in one. With the approach of the new Final Fantasy some nostalgia made me look for some of its previous titles and I found in Final Fantasy XIII a “film” with about 8 hours in total with a graphic quality still very current, a quality of performance (vocal) impressive and a story more than worthy of Final Fantasy fame.

Thanks to bariarm, a youtube user who took the trouble to subtitle the entire history of FF XIII into Portuguese, I can have the pleasure of sharing this “film” with you. So whoever had the pleasure of finishing this game can have the nostalgic pleasure of remembering excellent gaming moments and whoever has never seen this game, can catch popcorn and watch an epic and surprising story.



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