Physicists intend to demonstrate the process of transforming light into matter


A group of Physicists from Imperial College in London, intends to prove that it is possible to transform light into matter (Breit and Wheeler theory, 1934).

In 1934 when Gregory Breit and John Wheeler hypothesized that two photons could combine to form an electron (matter) and a positron (anti-matter), there was not enough technology to demonstrate such a process, now with existing technology, scientists British from Imperial College, intend to do a set of experiments in the next 12 months to demonstrate that it is possible to transform light into matter.

The experiment will consist of the following:

1.Accelerate electrons at an approximate speed of light, using a laser.

2. Physicists will fire a high power laser inside a gold vessel called Hahlraum, in order to create a field of thermal radiation.

3. They will combine the photon flux (light) with the thermal radiation field, causing a collision between photons and a posteriori giving rise to electrons and positrons (anti matter).

Transforming Light into Matter
Process for transforming light into matter

According to the Physicist Oliver Pike, one of the scientists involved in the experiment, this process turns out to be a recreation of 100 initial seconds of creation of the Universe and a demonstration of Einstein's theory "E = mC "   , that is, matter can become energy and vice versa.

So far nothing has been demonstrated, we will follow the experiments of the group of Imperial College researchers and wait for positive results.

[References]: Imperial || Examination || Nature || Iflscience || Canaltech


Article written by Edson Lourenço , especially for 


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