FRESAN installs agro-climatic information technology platforms in the southern region


Several provinces in Angola, notably Cunene, Huíla and Namibe, now have an agro-climate monitoring technological platform, which allows monitoring and producing monthly and annual bulletins on differences in rainfall and temperatures.

The innovative solution comes from the Food and Nutritional Security Strengthening and Resilience Program in Angola (FRESAN), which has been ongoing since the end of 2022, which allowed the installation of six meteorological stations, in the municipalities of Curoca and Ombadja (Cunene), Gambos and Chicomba (Huíla) Bibala and Moçâmedes (Namibe), in order to assist the existing network of INAMET.

According to the coordinator of FRESAN in Cunene, Juan Molina, the technological equipment installed is necessary and indispensable tools for assessing the climate and obtaining information for communities about the occurrence of natural phenomena.

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He added that equipment is necessary for climate assessment, as, in a timely manner, it allows communities to be alerted to the occurrence of natural phenomena, the data collected from which is transmitted to the INAMET headquarters in Luanda.

The coordinator also highlighted that the stations help in analyzing air temperature, speed and atmospheric pressure, as well as evaluating deviations in average values ​​in relation to occurrences in each period.

Furthermore, he stressed, there is a climate forecasting platform that allows these municipalities to have greater and better planning of the agricultural campaign and disseminate it to farmers throughout the year.


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