Girl MOVE Academy will invest in digital platforms to expand the digital transition for Mozambican women


A Girl MOVE Academy, a Mozambican Leadership academy that promotes female education and leadership, will increasingly invest in the use of digital platforms to expand access to its methodology and exponentially disseminate its impact.

The program, which is recognized by UNESCO as the best Education program for Girls and Women, has already reached a wide range of Mozambican women, where it is based on the concept that investment in the education of adolescent girls and women has a multiplier effect in combating the cycle of poverty in the country. Being recognized as a “case study” of international systemic impact and a “gamechanger” in the social innovation ecosystem.

According to the numbers revealed, Girl MOVE Academy connected young female role models with girls, having impacted more than 15.000 with extremely positive results, with emphasis on increasing the school transition to secondary education.

"Being a reference model means promoting access to quality education for all, an inclusive education. I'm doing my part in Girl MOVE's SHINE by promoting circles for young girls where I can motivate them not to give up on their studies”, said Neima Alberto Lourenço, Shiner 2022.

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Currently, the program aims to reach all provinces of Mozambique, mainly to the 3 million girls who live in vulnerable situations. To this end, a hybrid program was recently created that includes an online platform with all available programmatic content.

For the entire year 2023, the programs will run until December and it is expected that there will be more than 3.500 applications.

By using digital platforms, the transformative experience experienced at the academy in Nampula, the objectives and results of Girl MOVE's activities increase significantly, having a direct impact on the sustainable development of Mozambique.


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