Google announces agenda for its developer conference


Google I/O 2012

Every year Google organizes a conference to talk about the news of its most beloved children (in recent times), we are talking about the leading operating system, Android and the “super fast” browser, Chrome.

For 2013, this event aimed at developers, will take place between 15 and 17 May In San Francisco.

The agenda of activities of the Google I / O 2013 conference was revealed yesterday, where he realized that in this edition there is a program with more than 120 activities aimed at those dear children that I mentioned above, Chrome and Android.

And for the “common public”, there is an interest in following the Google I/O?

Yes, the main presentation, where Google generally announces the most important news for "non-developers". It will take place on May 15th, at 17 pm (Angola time)

If you want to see the complete calendar, follow the links to the presentations and para code sections

[Via]: Tecmundo


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