Google fixes bug that leaves vulnerable 99% of Androids



A digital security company has detected a serious failure affecting (va) 99% of devices with the Android operating system installed. Exploiting this flaw, developers could edit legitimate installation files (APK), without breaking their cryptographic signatures, thus managing to insert malicious content in the programs to be installed. An authentic Trojan horse. According to the company, BlueBox, the vulnerability has been around since Android 1.6.

The news spread and the Google not wasted time, today the person in charge of the social communication of the Android came to public announce that this failure that already lasted 4 years, has finally been solved.

Anyone who is already celebrating should stop for a moment and take into account that this correction is sent to the manufacturing companies, Samsung and company… it is these companies that deliver updates to end users. We know how long this process can take…

[Via]: UberGizmo


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