Google makes some demands on Android Marshmallow



Google has made some demands on manufacturers who want to have the Android 6.0 Marshmallow devices. One of the requirements is the greater use of 8 bits ARMv64-A chips, hardware that facilitates the encryption and the decryption of data, without thereby changing the performance of the device itself.

Another condition is the integration of a fingerprint sensor, which must comply with a certain standard of Google and provide security from 1 to 50.000. Doze mode has also been highlighted, this is an open source feature that can conserve battery life while the phone is in standby mode.

The Android compatibility document, which lists all these requirements, is justified as a way to ensure greater user safety.

As it is a “free” operating system, several manufacturers adopt Android, not always complying with the operational requirements that guarantee its best functioning. With these requirements from Google, users will win ...



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