Google launches application that scans old photos in high resolution



Google keeps innovating and has recently launched an application that helps people eternalize their old, high resolution, printed photos.

called PhotoScan, the new application allows the user to scan your printed photos with a smartphone and save them to your Google Photos library.

The interesting thing about the Google application, is that it takes pictures in 4 different parts and then creates a larger file with better definition. The result is impressive even when taking pictures in frames, with glasses that produce reflection.

To use PhotoScan, simply point the camera at the smartphone for a photograph, position the camera inside the frame. Then, just press the main button to start scanning and wait for the application to do all the work.

According to Google, the application can also detect the edges of the photograph, straighten the image, eliminate glare and crop the photograph correctly using the program's artificial intelligence. The application is now available for Android e iOS.


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