Google Play will be updated shortly



Google has decided to perform an Update in your app store. so there will be a new design soon for the store. Google Play that the users attentive to this aspect will be able to notice when it happens is updated.

Apparently Google Pay will be divided into two main sections that will be Apps (Apps) & Games and Entertainment, replacing the 6 existing ones currently (Apps, Games, Movies & TV, music, books, and Newsstand) as shown in the image under the Old Design:



What will change in this New Design?

As already mentioned, the changes in the new Design will be visible, since there will only be two sections that are Applications & Games and Entertainment and the new animations of running from section to section will also be added, and the elastic Scrolling as shown in the images below:


Two Sections (Apps & e Games & Entertainment)

New slideshows from section to section

Elastic Scrolling

Unfortunately there is still no certainty when Android users will receive this update and enjoy in full, but in all indications will not be too long and soon users will have access.



  1. Well Google Play is very good, but lately it has been a big problem for several users due to the constant updating of APPs consuming so many data plans. (Data Balance)


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