Government will bet on technological transformation with a focus on the CPLP Digital Agenda


The Angolan Government wants the strategy for the digital transformation of the country, in the White Paper on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 2019 – 2022, to be aligned with the implementation of the Digital Agenda of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).

This information was revealed by Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, Mário Oliveira, speaking at the opening of the 30th Annual Forum of the International Association of Portuguese-Speaking Communications (AICEP), stressing that the CPLP Digital Agenda is essentially based on electronic communications infrastructure, digital services, digital security and staff training.

Regarding digital services, Mário Oliveira referred that the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, in the world, was an involuntary test of the installed capacities of telecommunications networks and the entire digital environment, in partnership with the private sector, in which the country was up to the challenges imposed.

"Companies in the sector, without exception, had to reinvent themselves to support citizens and boost other sectors of national life, where there was also a significant evolution, from industry to retail, banking to insurance, energy to health, with these sectors increasingly being led by companies with a strong focus on the digital economy", said.

BUT: Government defends the increase in the use of basic technology

With regard to Digital Security, the minister highlighted the reinforcement of trust and security in the use of networks and services, having also underlined the inclusion of matters to combat computer crimes in the new Penal Code.

Mário Oliveira made it clear that other measures were taken by the Executive, to guarantee security in the use of electronic communications networks and services, as well as in the protection of data of citizens and organizations against cyber attacks, with emphasis on the creation of the Data Protection, with the preparation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy also being in the pipeline.

He also highlighted the strengthening of training and capacity building institutions in the field of Telecommunications and Electronic Communications. The minister underlined the dynamics that the International Association of Portuguese Expression Communications (AICEP) implements with the realization of various services, and of the 12 founding members it now has 40 and the numbers continue to grow.

It should be noted that AICEP is present in 9 countries across 5 continents, covering 3% of the world's population and producing 4,6% of global wealth.

For João Caboz Santana, chairman of AICEP, in times of digital economy and the Communications sector, there is a need to connect everyone, ensuring good inclusion, development of digital nations, with quality, robust, resilient and secure digital infrastructures.

He also defended the increase and sophistication of means to stop cyber attacks, through the financing of the public service, whether postal or telecommunications, as well as television and the increase in network capacity.


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