Russian hackers hacked Dow Jones & Company servers



Being a hacker is a privilege in the computer world. Using hacker knowledge you can do many negative ... or positive things.

According to Bloomberg, one of the biggest sources of news regarding the stock market, Russian hackers managed to break into the servers of Dow Jones, the company that publishes the Wall Street Journal, and apparently things seem to be more serious than previously thought.

The research services are in the hands of the FBI (United States Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the Exchange Commission. Information from at least 3.500 people was compromised, and hackers got information from transactions that had not yet been made public, which could give them a huge advantage over the exchange.

The representatives of the Dow Jones claim that they have suffered many attacks since August of 2012 and July of 2015. The investigation is underway and no party involved would not comment on the matter. Because it is unclear whether hackers were acting on their own or whether they were influenced by a state.

This is relevant information for emerging countries such as Angola, which recently created its stock exchange (BODIVA) and soon a large part of the companies may have public securities, making the information on the valuation / devaluation of securities have a great impact on their final value. Security in this type of business is essential ...



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