Hacktober Fest, programming marathon invites developers to KiandaHub session


October is famous for the numerous festivals sponsored by alcohol companies, most of the time. But, not all marathons in October involve this, a good example is the Hacktober Fest.

The annual event, Hacktober Fest, aims to foster the contribution of developing solutions (open source tools / software). It is organized by Digital Ocean in partnership with various companies. And for this year with Dev.to, an online software development community.

Who is invited?

1. Anyone interested in open source projects, both beginner and advanced.
2. Anyone who is eager to learn about the git workflow and github.
3. Anyone who is willing to interact and collaborate with a developer community.

1. Welcome - 8 minutes (José Neto)
2. Introduction to Open Source - 30 minutes (José Cage)
3. Introduction to Git and Github - 1 hour (Jovany Business)
4. Keynote - 20 minutes (Balala Agostinho)
5. Workshop (Coding) - 1 hour (Aciidney Dias)
6. CoffeBreak - 20 minutes
7. Demonstrations (Coding) - 30 minutes (José Cage)
8. Final review (Coding) - 1 hour (Acidney Dias)
9. Closure. 5 minutes

Link to subscribe: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSf0phpCaxgGqS64S-…/viewform

To enjoy the full benefits of the meeting, you need to bring a computer.

Useful Resources:
3. https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/

Event Code of Conduct:
Hacktoberfest events are welcoming, open and inclusive. “Please read our Code of Conduct for Events before participating. Happy Hacking! ”
URL link to event code of conduct

Will you participate? Details of place and date.

Date: 26 October 2019 (Saturday)
Open Hours: 09:00 - 18:00
Venue: KiandaHub, Alice Village.


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