Today is World Social Media Day. Which is your favorite?


World Social Media happens to June 30. The date was created by the site Mashable in 2010, as a way of recognizing the digital revolution that has made the media a social environment.

Social media would be a hit at any time in history. It so happens that they emerged in the first decade of the XNUMXst century, shortly before a succession of financial crises, sovereign debts, and economic crises that hit and hardened most of the individuals in their lives, conscience and discourse.

In fact, every day that passes social networks gain more importance. Although certain pioneering social networks such as MySpace are no longer relevant, others have become obsessions, such as Facebook and the Twitter. The companies themselves have recognized the importance of social networks, they use sites such as LinkedIn to hire workers. Snapchat, Whatsapp e Instagram are other examples of popular social platforms.

Use social networks, but securely.

Social networks are today one of the great attractions on the Internet. Young people, adults and the elderly use these means to share personal information and discuss ideas around the same interest, quickly and efficiently. The use of social networks can also pose some dangers such as the exposure of its users and the use of their identity.

In Angola the most used social networks are: Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and Twitter. The certainty we have is that each time we live in a smaller and interconnected world.



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