HTC unveils 2017 January surprise


Nowadays for companies to present something new in the world of technology there are always rumors, as well as their events, but this time HTC surprised the market, since from nowhere, announced that already in the first month of 2017 will introduce some news.

After having presented the HTC 10evo, everything indicates that the company is going to announce something outside its standards, since the company has been exploring a number of different product areas recently, such as: fitness equipment, virtual reality. From the image that illustrates the sky, there are suspicions that the company may launch a Drone. Currently Drones have been appearing in all neighborhoods and perhaps HTC wants to apply its industrial design skills to this area.

Speaking the truth, we do not know, nor do we have the slightest notion of what is to come, but HTC promised that soon the market will be updated on the news that will appear on January 12, 2017, as confirmed by the event confirmation .

What do you think will be released?


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