Huawei advances with administrative action against Portuguese State entity

Due to exclusion as a potential supplier of 5G infrastructure in Portugal, Huawei filed an administrative action against the Evaluation and Security Commission


Huawei Portugal took administrative action against the Evaluation and Security Commission which, this year, decided to exclude technology manufacturers from countries outside the EU, NATO and OECD from national 5G infrastructures.

The Chinese manufacturer seeks to reverse the decision that excludes these suppliers – including Huawei – from 5G in Portugal. The security assessment followed the recommendation of the European Union and determined “the exclusion, application of restrictions on the use or cessation of use of equipment, or services” from manufacturers outside the EU, NATO and OECD.

The deliberation – made public in May this year – considers it to be a high risk for network security and the use of 5G technology in Portugal.”the use of equipment and services that come from a supplier or service provider that fulfills” at least one of the several criteria mentioned.

At the time of announcing this deliberation, Huawei stated that “had no prior knowledge of this publication and is seeking to gather more information from the competent authorities regarding the nature of this assessment".

Huawei has made some comments on the subject over the last few months. First, he said he had “no prior knowledge” before the deliberation became public. Weeks later, in June, a senior cybersecurity advisor at Huawei considered that the Portuguese deliberation appeared to be “more restrictive than the measures taken by any other European country”, cited Eco.


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