Huawei on the front line against cyber attacks

Knowledge of tools to mitigate risks and safeguard information is essential, especially in an era where cyber threats are many and varied.


Huawei OceanCyber ​​Data Security Appliance | Huawei Enterprise

The Huawei OceanCyber ​​Data Security Appliance, in collaboration with Huawei's primary storage, backup and archive platforms, serves as an ultimate defense that effectively protects your data against ransomware attacks.

These attacks are increasingly common and secure data storage can and should act as a last line of defense. According to data from March 2023, ransomware cyberattacks in Portugal increased by 120%. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that, once installed on victims' systems, steals and/or encrypts data considered relevant.

According to the study “Developing Ransomware Resilience With Multilayer Network, Storage, And Data Protection Architecture” carried out by IDC in February 2023 and sponsored by Huawei, the damage caused by attacks amounts to hundreds of thousands of euros and multiple days without service. The same study adds that, in 2022, companies were affected, on average, for more than five days by a ransomware attack.

Storage solutions must not only serve to store data, but also be equipped with mechanisms to protect it. Storage is the last line of defense and also the last resort for data recovery in the event of a successful attack.

Across the board, Huawei data storage platforms feature a set of features to ensure total data protection.

After data is saved in primary (such as OceanStor Dorado) or backup (such as OceanProtect) storage systems, it is possible:

• Create a safe and immutable zone with Write Once Read Many (WORM);
• Create an immutable image with Secure Snapshot;
• Guarantee a physically isolated copy, through the combination of replication and air-gap technologies;
• Use encryption mechanisms.

The combination of these features with the proactive defense mechanisms of the Huawei OceanCyber ​​platform, which uses advanced technologies - such as Artificial Intelligence and big data analysis -, helps prevent ransomware attack threats from infiltrating a company's data storage systems. organization, keeping data intact.

This equipment has a ransomware identification rate of 99,9% and also offers high data analysis performance of up to 50 TBytes/hour. Together, these capabilities enable storage systems to quickly intercept and detect ransomware attacks, thereby initiating proactive protection to ensure retained data copies are clean and uninfected.


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