INFOSI plans to bring access to the new technologies to around three thousand citizens



Manuel Man, Director-General of the National Institute for the Development of the Information Society (INFOSI), 23 said in Luanda that the governing body plans to bring access to the new technologies to around three thousand citizens in every country, due to the first unit that allows bringing the digital knowledge to the remote locations.

INFOSI has a project called "Walking with ICT", which will have two off-road vehicles, equipped with information and communication technology infrastructures financed by the European Union and the Camões Institute.

According to Manuel Homem, these mobile units are located centrally and in different provinces, having already worked in Benguela, Malange and Cuanza Sul, which covers the massification and digital inclusion project, which the institution has such as digital Angola, Angola online, as well as other projects that involve the promotion of this access.

Information and communication technologies, help to humanize society, reinforce the recognition of the value of the individual. They are used by public administration bodies, companies, families and individuals. The rapid diffusion of information and communication technologies forces change in the way of life of societies. It assumes importance in current collective and individual life.

In its turn, José Carvalho da Rocha, Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, made it known that the duty and obligation to increasingly promote the use of information and communication technologies and that through this instrument, it is easy to bring services to populations and development in the society. The Minister also said that, it is important that people know how to use this project that is being developed in the sector.

It is a project that is part of the European Union's Cooperation Program with the countries of the PALOP community and East Timor. It is financed by the European Union and the Instituto Camões, within the scope of the Project to Support the Improvement of Quality and Proximity of Public Services of the community mentioned above.


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