Infrasat ensures continuity of services after hacker attack


After it was revealed that the telecommunications company Infrasat was forced to pay to avoid having its secrets illegally exposed due to a computer attack, in an official statement, the respective company informed that all its content is protected and the continuity of its services.

"INFRASAT, a leader in satellite telecommunications solutions, is pleased to announce that it recently successfully handled and overcame an isolated incident that affected one of the company's internal servers,” said the institution in the note that MenosFios had access to.

A Infrasat assures its customers and interested parties that the said attack “was promptly resolved”, not compromising the integrity of the customers' network or the company's ability to guarantee a secure telecommunications environment.

"This incident, which occurred on an internal server, was quickly identified and isolated in our backoffice area. Thanks to the expertise and quick response of our highly qualified professionals and partners, all systems are now operating normally, without any significant impact on the company's operations.“, continues the statement.

It should be noted that according to the newspaper Valor Económico, it was reported that Infrasat was the victim of a computer attack last week.

"Infrasat, a telecommunications company, recently faced a computer attack which, according to information from internal sources at Valor Económico, did not cause significant damage to its system due to the existence of a backup. However, hackers managed to gain access to confidential company data that was stored on the system. The attack, which occurred last week, highlighted the importance of cybersecurity procedures. Even with the system affected in a relatively limited way, the company had to deal with the theft of sensitive information that could have serious implications for its security and reputation.".

The competent authorities have already been informed of the incident and are investigating the case, while Infrasat takes additional measures to strengthen its cybersecurity and prevent future attacks. This incident serves as a reminder of how companies are constantly exposed to cyber threats and the need to invest in solid preventative measures to protect their critical assets and data.


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