Survey - How can technology help child development?


If you have a child at home, at some point you may have wondered if he is developing at a similar pace to others.

According to the study published by the journal The Lancet, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, 43% of children from 0 to 5 years old, from developing countries, can present disturbances in their development.

Inquisition - Child development

So, if you live in Angola and want to monitor and stimulate your children's development, do you know what to do?

Due to COVID19, hospitals are handling critical cases and technological solutions are recommended.

What if technology could help identify and solve child development problems?

A Working Group composed of health and technology professionals, developed a questionnaire with the aim of obtaining the parents' perception of the use of digital tools, capable of transforming them into active players in their children's development.

It will take approximately 3 minutes to complete this survey.


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