INSS adopts WhatsApp to consult contributions


By law, every Angolan who provides services to a public or private company, suffers tax rebates that affect the gross amount of their income. One of the most worrisome of workers is the discount for Social Security, as it ensures that during retirement they continue to receive a contribution from the state.A message recently started circulating on social networks, guaranteeing that it is already possible to consult the contributions that companies pay to the National Social Security Institute (INSS) via WhatsApp. Well, in order to verify the veracity of the information, we record the referred contact and send the message via WhatsApp, to our amazement in the first instant an automatic message falls, showing users the options available when using this service.

To use the service, users have only the following options and service on this channel:

Consultation of extract of contributions of insured (worker); Consultation of processes; Consultation of inscription; Printing of card of Insured (worker) or Taxpayer (company); Information about Social Security; Information about proof of life
Therefore, users can currently use this channel to take some doubts regarding these 6 points referenced above. It is also important to note that the service is only available at the public service time, from 8h00 to 15h30 from Monday to Friday.

INSS Contact: + 244941890375


  1. Good afternoon

    please ask for information

    we want to register the do you login

    thank you


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