Instagram with new security features to protect users


O Instagram announced a set of updates designed to help keep the social network safe and protect the well-being of users, including features to encourage more positive conversations on the platform.

According to the company, among the new features are improvements in blocking functionality. Now, when blocking someone on the social network, users can also block other accounts that that person creates.

"Based on initial testing, we expect our community to need to block less than four million accounts every week, as they will be blocked automatically."He explains.

Launched last year, the Hidden Words feature allows you to filter message requests, as well as received comments, identifying expressions or even emojis that may be considered offensive. Now, the feature is being tested by default with users who have creator accounts on the platform.

According to Instagram, the feature also includes Stories responses, sending offensive messages from accounts that are not followed to the Hidden Orders folder. The system that supports the feature is being improved to detect offensive messages that purposely try to hide insults by exchanging, for example, letters for numbers or other characters.

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Private messages that contain fraudulent or spam elements will also be filtered by the feature. The social network will begin rolling out this feature to messages in English in a select number of countries, expanding to more languages ​​and territories soon.

Instagram details that, now, when someone sends a message request to a content creator on the platform, a reminder will appear warning them to be friendly and to help keep the social network a safe space. Similarly, the platform will also start notifying users when they intend to respond to potentially offensive comments.

Check out the images below.

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