Instagram launches tools to prevent spam on profiles


Meta, the company that owns the Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, announced a suite of new security tools for content creators on Instagram. It should now be easier to keep accounts protected from unwanted interactions and there should be more transparency about the content that may be affecting account status.

While community involvement is a big part of what content creators are excited about, deleting spam comments or removing fake accounts can be tiring work. And more time spent moderating content means less time interacting positively and creating new content.

In addition to spam detection, Instagram has updated the application's transparency methods: the app can notify about potentially infringing content, so it is possible to anticipate and correct problems quickly and better understand the social network's content rules.

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Accounts suspected of being spam or a “bot” will automatically be filtered into a separate inbox for analysis. If a non-spam account is identified in this tool, it is possible to add the account to the remaining followers again. On the other hand, if you are sure that all these accounts are spam or “bots”, you should select “Delete all”, and the accounts in question will not be alerted to this process.

Instagram is testing hiding views of “Stories” which, according to AI tools, are identified as spam. It is another new feature that will reduce the interaction of unwanted users with content creators.


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