Instagram launches feature to help recover hacked accounts


O Instagram announced the availability of a tool that aims to help victims of hackers regain access to their account. The new platform, available at, aims to be a one-stop-shop where users can get help recovering hacked accounts, report accounts that are impersonating other users, or even get help recovering their passwords.

O Motherboard reported in 2018 that some users even chose to pay the ransom demanded by hackers, while a report from 2019 shows that some influencers even resorted to the services of other hackers to recover the domain of their account. In common in these two reports, victims complain that Instagram was slow to respond and provide assistance.

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The new platform allows victims to indicate two friendly contacts who can attest that the user is the legitimate owner of that account. Users who are blocked and without access to their account can start using this feature right away.

In the same context, the company is also fine-tuning the mechanisms that can prevent account hijacking before it happens, including sending alert emails in case of suspicious activity.


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