Instagram can add audio and video call features


With each passing day we are seeing Instagram adding many features to the application in a short time, and for the novelty of many, two new features are on the way.

In a first instance we can say once again that Instagram is imitating the Snapchat, with the risk of diluting the application experience. This is sure to take more apps than Snap protocols for Insta.

I personally do not think this feature is very necessary in this app because people are accustomed to posting photos, videos, making live broadcasts, it's not known if they'll be so interested in receiving calls from Instagram.

Yes this will be a nuisance, since not everyone who follows us on the social networks are our friends or people known. Unfortunately it has not yet been advanced when this feature will be available, let's wait and see if it arrives.

Do you find this feature required in the application?


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