Instagram Stories with new question and answer feature


O Instagram announced on Tuesday (10/07), a new feature that allows users to post questions in their Stories for their followers to answer. The update is similar to the Quiz function, already present in the application.

According to the publication that presents the resource to the public on the press blog of the social network, "it is fun new way to start conversations with your friends and get to know them better". Called “Questions”, the new sticker is interactive and allows users to ask and answer questions asked in the stories.

Users can post questions using stickers after taking photos or videos in Stories. It is possible to type the question and position it in the image in a way that the user prefers, before sharing. The news had already been announced in June and was in the testing phase, but it is only now being made available to the general public.

The contacts that access will be able to see the questions, and just click on them to answer them as many times as they want. Questions will be available to both system users IOS as Android, from the 52 version of the application.


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