Instagram: Users with the possibility to share a profile with QR code


In recent years Instagram has become accustomed to the arrival of new features, so much so that it ended up killing some social networks that had or have the same purpose, which is the case of Snapchat, as well as other competitor applications.

After a short trial period, Instagram decided to launch QR codes that work in a similar way to badges, but with a fundamental difference - people who try to find your profile can search for them in any application through the camera on smartphones capable of reading QR codes.

If you are just trying to exchange profiles quickly with a new acquaintance or if you have a small business that wants to add local followers, it is much easier than waiting for them to spell your nickname correctly in the first few attempts. To find your QR code, just look at your profile menu, as shown above. This turns out to be a much easier shortcut.


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