Instagram will start blocking unwanted comments



A new feature is already available in the Instagram which will start blocking unwanted comments.

Instagram reported that the goal is for the user to be able to choose, not to see publications that contain pre-determined keywords, such as bad words and offenses. The keyword filter can be activated in the application menu, this for users of iPhones and Android, just that the user access their profile and click on the gear icon that appears right at the top of their screen.

Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom said the beauty of the app community lies in its diversity, but there are some comments that can be unwanted and offensive. Reason why Instagram chose to launch this tool for its users, which according to the company will be a great asset because it aims to preserve the happy and healthy environment provided by the social network.

No further details were given by Instagram, but everything indicates that more news and the launch of new tools should reach the social network in the future. It is worth remembering that the user can activate the function and use a list of words selected by the Instagram user himself, as well as choosing his unwanted words to be blocked.

The new Instagram tool is now available, just perform an update in the application, but only for Google Play and App Store. Instagram also said that as of next week the tool will be available for all smartphone systems.





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