Instagram will allow multiple accounts access


20151127140833Currently Instagram only allows a user to log in from the Smartphone, but it seems that the situation will change, with a next update Instagram will allow two or more accounts to be used, and this will facilitate many users who have more than one account.

For now, the test is being carried out only Android devices with a small group of people. Despite this, you can download the Beta version of Instagram 7.12.0 for Android and use the tool now. and the later one will be available for iOS and Windows Phone

This exchange process will be similar to what happens in the Facebook, that when clicking on the top of the application, the user visualizes the option to change the active account. And you can still add and remove accounts that are signed in to the primary account.

It is believed that this will help many people on Instagram who use personal accounts and subsequently use a business account in which they need to manage them.


Is this going to help in any way?


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