Intel Edison: A computer the size of an SD card



If we could sum up the Consumer Eletronics Show (CES) in a word, it would be “Innovation"And if we were allowed to add one more word, it would be for sure"Show of Innovation“. This is how Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel introduced the new smart product lines, one of them was exactly a computer board that fits into a SD card.

The nameplate is Intel Edison, it supports Linux and includes a dual-core CPU, 400MHz, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth LE (Low Energy or low power) and an integrated application store. It will be available in the middle of 2014, second Krzanich, it will enable hardware product developers to enhance the functionality of their existing or new systems by incorporating Edison's processing power.


One example was a project developed by the Rest Devices at MIT called Mimo Baby Monitor, which is basically a baby pajama full of sensors that monitors heart rate, breathing mode and also the times when children move during the night.

O Mimo Baby Monitor which was developed with an Edison board is connected to another device that also uses the Smart Milk Bottle, or Smart Milk Bottle that is triggered when the Mimo Baby Monitor detects signs that the baby will wake up for power and it automatically begins to warm the milk to a temperature appropriate for the baby's consumption.

In an interview by Wired Rest Devices said the system is undergoing testing for a European launch and can be expected in the next six months. It will cost 199 USD in the USA. Intel also said it would offer $ 1,3 million to developers and companies that best use the Intel Edison board to make their products smarter.

This type of technology at this price always drives the developers of hardware products and gives them the possibility to create new products at low costs as a result the selling price becomes better, that is, lower.

Source: Wired


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