iPad Mini sells more than your big brother ...


ipad mini

This is the part where I stop, concentrate and with an ironic smile, I say: Apple, I warned you.

Apple's plans were quite simple, selling 60 million 9,7-inch iPads (the older brother) and 40 million mini iPads, 7,9 inches.

But plans were created to go wrong (Angolan adage, okay, adage of some Angolans), and Apple eventually discovered that the youngest can do spectacular things. Therefore, the forecast was reversed: 55 million mini iPads and 33 million 9,7 inch iPads.

The reasons for user preference are quite simple:

1. Price - communists, leave the room now, because I will have to be honest: money is always the first factor in choosing any gadget. The cheaper the better ...

2. Usability - the iPad Mini can be held with just one hand. Now try to hold the 9,7-inch iPad with one hand. Being a gadget widely used to play and access the internet, nothing more practical than that.

The question I leave to dear readers of MenosFios, which iPad prefer, iPad Mini or iPad (traditional)?

Street: Info


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