Irony of fate? Apple accused of plagiarizing iPhone 6 design


iPhone 6

A very widespread information among the most loyal users of the top companies in the world of gadgets is the following: “Apple creates and the rest copies".

Of course the above statement is exaggerated, the web of accusations and court lawsuits between Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nokia and company is huge. Now a Chinese company has decided to join this game lucrative of accusations. The company in question is the 100C, which took Apple to court on charges of plagiarizing the iPhone 6 design. According to the Chinese company, it had already patented for one of its smartphone models.

The smartphone that the company refers to is the “100+” (you can see in the image below). But the irony is striking in this case, in a country where copies of Apple devices (and more) circulate everywhere.

iPhone 6?

The Chinese company filed its complaint in court, the court upheld 100C alleging that Apple committed patent infringement. The punitive measure involves banning the sale of the iPhone 6 in Chinese territory. Apple has already filed an appeal with the court and as long as the case is not completed, the iPhone 6 will continue to be sold in China.

Do you believe that Apple copied the design of this Chinese company?


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