That is technological advancement worthy of hype!


Samsung Family Hub fridge

A few weeks ago, during the international electronic consumables fair (CES 2016), LG presented the “refrigerator that opens automatically”The international press made a lot of mention of the product, which literally consists of: Automatic opening of one of the doors positioning the foot next to a sensor

… Another feature that the company calls ” knock-on"Which allows the user to simply knock on the door to reveal what is inside.

I was just asking myself, that's all? Behold, in my opinion it is a stronger concept still in terms of renovation in equipment and kitchen.

Equipped with a 21.5-inch touchscreen and running Samsung's operating system (Tizen), this fridge aims to be the “center of your family's life”, it comes with an app called Groceries (means purchases) in partnership with Mastercards. In short it will be possible to make purchases from the comfort of your home at the door of your refrigerator and still receive recommendations of other products and the app learns with your habits resulting in better product recommendations, and even if you are inside a supermarket accessing a feature of the application gives to activate the built-in camera and thus have a real-time view of the interior of the refrigerator.

Imagine the possibilities! Because of these characteristics I went further in my mind, imagine shopping from the comfort of your home through an application in the comfort of your office, in the taxi, class break… Choosing the items you need, the supermarket separating everything for you and having the items delivered to your door or being able to go and search for them, all without the stress of having to wait in lines at the cashiers or even bottling, since everything will be paid for and will only make the pickup.

Until now with more news.


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