ITEL announces partnership for the production of biosafety means


The Technical Institute of Telecommunications of Luanda (ITEL), signed a partnership with the company Agility, for the manufacture of automatic lavatories and hygienic tunnels.

An important step to demonstrate how partnerships between educational institutions and companies can be beneficial in solving everyday problems.

What equipment was presented?

More than 20 washbasins and an automatic sanitizing tunnel, products made locally, presented. Mateira that will be useful for educational institutions on their return to school.

The Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Mário Oliveira and the Secretary of State for Secondary Education, Gildo Matias José, witnessed the presentation of the equipment and the signing of the agreement between the institutions.

"… The feat has just been a great challenge, in ways that entrepreneurs, especially national industrial companies themselves, approach academies and technological centers, as they have a lot of knowledge and many talented young people ”- Mário Oliveira

Gildo Matias, Secretary of State for Secondary Education, highlighted the two vocations that education has, first, to qualify the citizen and, second, to make it possible for him to be able to respond to society's problems through qualification.

The director of ITEL, André Pedro, reiterated that ITEL is willing to collaborate with other educational institutions, in order to lead its partners to offer biosafety equipment at more affordable prices.


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