It is already possible to send money via Paypal through Siri




For those who use the system iOS and have an account PayPal sure that this is a good news, since it is now possible to send money to other people through an account Paypal using the tool Crab, the new feature is available in 30 countries (see the list of countries here) and works exactly as you would expect. Just access the Crab in the normal way and say something like, “Hello Siri, send x dollars to António using PayPal. ”

Using voice commands to make payments can result in a security risk, especially Crab does not distinguish significantly the difference between the voices. But for this the user has to unlock the phone to use the feature (the user can even access the Crab from the lock screen, but you can not confirm a payment or ask for money without unlocking the Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),), so it is no more insecure than any other application that needs a PIN Ou touch ID to send the money.

It is also worth remembering that in order to make use of this feature, users must have installed the iOS 10 on your device. In addition, both users must have an active Paypal account, if the recipient does not have it, they will only receive the amounts until they set up a new account and only then will they have access to the amount sent to them. When sending money, it is important to make sure that the recipient's account details are stored in the PayPal so that Siri knows where to send the money.

See how easy it is to send money through Crab with a Paypal account:


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