Have you ever thought about borrowing your music and books in digital format? Amazon invested in it ...


amazonA Amazon is well known for being one of the largest virtual stores in the world. What many do not know is that this company is a pioneer in many technologies. Your most significant investment must have been in “cloud computing"(cloud computing). Amazon has been on the world's top tech after launching your tablet, the Kindle [insert the version that interests you the most].

In late January, Amazon registered an interesting patent: “electronic market system for used digital objects". Virtual objects are eBooks, sound files, videos, and applications.

The idea is practical, a user buys a digital book, passes it to his account. If the user wants someone else to read this book, they can send it for a limited time, in addition, transfers will be limited. This avoids that scam in which, in a group of 15 friends, only one buys the book and passes it "hand to hand", causing damage to the company that sold it.

In the United States Amazon already has a mechanism for lending eBooks, the only problem is that the copyright holder (such as the author or publisher) must authorize the loan. Books can be borrowed for up to 14 days, and borrowers are left with no access to the file. Each eBook can be borrowed only once.

[Source]: Public


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