Game depicts Queen Njinga Mbande's life


Many certainly know who the Queen really was Njinga Mbandi, for those who do not know, Angolan territory was born, around 1583, in the region of Ndongo. He died on December 17, 1663 in the Matamba region. XNUMXth century diplomat and military chief, Njinga Mbandi he used all his means to combat Portuguese colonial power in Angola. He is considered one of the greatest personalities of the African resistance to colonialism.

After the Queen's story Njinga Mbandi having gone through the script of a film, is under development by a team indie Portuguese, Njinga Team, an interesting game about the mythical Angolan queen, Njinga.

Bike Team is a studio indie Portuguese, founded in 2019, and whose main objective is the creation of several interactive experiences in the area of ​​entertainment and video games. The first project of the Portuguese studio is this Njinga: The Diplomat Warrior, that we bring you here. It is an adventure game and edutainment about a historical figure of great impact in Africa, unknown to many of us.

The game, according to its producers, features “a focus on exploration and a combat system composed of dialogues“. I believe that, given this last description made by the project team, that the game will present a minimum of action and will be clearly more oriented towards diplomatic narrative and dialogues. As mentioned above, in Njinga: The Diplomat Warrior, we follow the life of Njinga Mbandi in its struggle against Portuguese colonization in the kingdom of Ndongo, currently Angola. (later, she even became a leader in both the kingdom of Ndongo and Killer).

According to what was disclosed about the game, it will present a campaign divided into several episodes of the Queen's life Njinga Mbandi. It is a way to show more about your journey, as well as the impact it had inside and outside Africa, in a fun and interactive way. Njinga Mbandi today it is still considered a figure of power for the Angolan people, and representative of the movements Women empowerment and African studies.

In this first contact with Njinga: The Diplomat Warrior, the narrative focuses on the encounter between Bike and VOC - Dutch commercial agglomeration in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth century, and the creation of its alliance against Portugal. The game’s mission is simple, but challenging: without relying on physical strength, and focusing solely on your aptitude for diplomacy, Bike he must convince Admiral Cornelis Jol to join his cause. During his epic, he also has to solve several other challenges, which are unlocking new content and introducing the audience to some African customs of the time.

The game will present a certain freedom to the player, to explore the scenarios and maps based in Angola, where he will be able to discover secrets and secondary missions that recount a little more about XNUMXth century Africa and its main protagonists. The game is in development for the PC, and possibly for PlayStation 4 e Nintendo Switch.


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