[Games] Xbox, come back again?


One thing is for sure, it's great when companies listen to gamers and try to make the best game or console to please their audience. It is quite another to announce decisions and then always go back on them. Once, twice, three times… hey, there’s something that doesn’t go well.

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Recently Microsoft announced that to play Xbox One Kinect would have to be connected always, that is, you want to play? Turn on Kinect or do not play. Now the company has stated to the public that Kinect now does not have to be connected or connected at all. In a way we understand that the Snowden case must have weighed heavily on this decision, as the Americans were certainly feeling already spied on Kinect before even having the console in their living room.

Marc Whitten, Xbox LIVE Manager said that now that the "console will still work even if Kinect is not connected," in-depth said that it is now possible to "completely turn off the sensor in the settings. The sensor does not collect any information. Any functionality based on voice, video or gesture commands will not work. "

The question is: Why Microsoft did not ask these questions, yet secretly not to deliver the "gold to the bad guy" sony”, Before launch. These setbacks in a way show an insecure Microsoft trying at all costs to have a successful product to make investors erase, even if momentarily from their memories, the failures of the W8, Surface, etc.

Microsoft should learn something from its big rival Apple, who despite everyone thinking that they should change this and that, they remain firmly on the ground in their concepts and bases and before announcing something they have already thought about the countless repercussions that your decision will have. It was good that the Xbox division of Microsoft did the same analysis and several brainstorming before taking and announcing decisions not to walk in these authentic circuses.

Via: [IGN]


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